Useful Contact Numbers

Condo Lock Out

Should you lock yourself out of the condo, please call Cary at 808-494-4977.  You can prevent this by recording and remembering your personal digital code and keeping it with you as you enjoy your day. Lock Out Fee: $75. Please note that Cary will respond only to lock outs. She will require valid photo identification to verify that you are the registered guest in our condo. 

Condo Maintenance Emergencies

If you have an urgent issue that requires immediate attention (clogged toilet, water leak, etc.), please contact Judison at 808-635-8713. Please note that Judison will respond only to an emergency. Please contact us directly with your non-emergency maintenance questions or needs.

Security, Noise, Non-Smoking Enforcement 

Please contact Islander security for non-emergency concerns, including smoking and noise violations): 808-378-6986 from 6pm-4am daily.

Please dial 911 for serious medical or criminal emergencies.

Contact us for everything else!

For everything else, please contact us at 512-466-1876. Text for the fastest response. You may also e-mail us at After 4pm Kauai time, we will reply early the following morning.